Videos by Employment Mediation Services

Want to learn more about Conflict Resolution and Employment Mediation Services? Check out our videos.

In Their Own Words…

“His Work Ethic Was Outstanding”

During my association with David, I always found him to live by our corporate core values of Honesty, Trust, Loyalty, Respect and Teamwork. His work ethic was outstanding, always coming to meetings well prepared.
– Mark

“Organized, Efficient and Dependable!”

David is extremely organized, efficient and dependable. He is also very even-tempered, fair and personable. He embodied the company’s core values of honesty, trust, loyalty, respect and teamwork. It was always a pleasure to work with David!

Conflict is a Part of Life

Learn how Employment Mediation Services can help you or your company with dispute resolution.

Preparation for a Successful Mediation

Here are tips to help you or your employees ensure a successful mediation.

Did You Know… Mediation is Confidential?

What is said in Mediation is not to be shared with anyone else, including the judge.

Did You Know… Mediation is Quick & Inexpensive?

Hear why Mediation is a better alternative to litigation.

Did You Know… Mediation Gives You More Control?

Learn how Mediation gives parties control of the outcome.

Did You Know… Mediation Preserves Relationships?

In Mediation the parties work together to come to an agreement vs. working against each other in a court case.

Did You Know… Mediation Results in Customized Agreements?

Mediation settlements are not “win/lose” agreements, but are customized to fit the needs of both parties.

Did You Know… Mediation is a Foundation?

Parties who have used Mediation to solve problems often prefer it for resolving future disputes.

Successful Mediation Tips – Be Open to Change

Learning new information may change your view of the dispute.

Successful Mediation Tips – Separate the People from the Problem

Go easy on the people and be tough on the problem.

Successful Mediation Tips – Treat Trust as a Non-Issue

In mediation, keep your focus on the facts.

Successful Mediation Tips – Brainstorm

Be sure to explore all options before making a decision.

Successful Mediation Tips – Be a Problem Solver

In mediation, view your role as that of a problem server.

Successful Mediation Tips – Be Open to Reason

Try walking in the other parties’ shoes.

Successful Mediation Tips – Avoid Having a Bottom Line

Keep an open mind during mediation.